Welcome to Uncles Money, a family run pawnbrokers, in the heart of Birmingham

I’m a pawnbroker and I’ve sold everything from boxing belts to canal barges

‘People needing money has a stigma but don’t walk in with your head down – walk in with your head high and ask ‘How much for this?’

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How our pawnbroking services are helping local business.

We will explore how Uncles Money could potentially help local businesses by offsetting goods for short-term loans to help them tide over difficult times

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Uncles Money: Providing an Easy Loan Solution for Over 30 Years

When it comes to borrowing money, traditional lenders often require a lot of paperwork and lengthy credit checks, making the process long and complicated. But what if we told you that there’s a way to get a loan with minimal paperwork and no credit checks? That’s where Uncles Money comes in. Uncles Money is a […]

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Uncles Money is the trading name of Uncles The Original Pawnbrokers Limited - Company number 02104796 © All Rights Reserved 1987 - 2024